Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Unemployed Risk-Taker

“A lot of successful people are risk-takers.
Unless you’re willing to do that –
to have a go, fail miserably,
and have another go,
success won’t happen.”

Phillip Adams
(Australian writer)

Why, Why, Why do we have to be risk-takers and sometimes fail miserably to be successful? Do you hate being in the ranks of the unemployed and having to go through this period in your life? I know your answer is a loud, “YES.”

Remember nothing last forever. There is always a silver lining at the end of the rainbow. The next question would be “How do I find that silver lining?” The answer is quite simple take a risk, sometimes fail, get-up and take the next step in front of you.

I know after your hopes have been dashed again it is a struggle to go on. Give yourself a break and feel the pain. You are only human and can only take so much.

During this time, pamper yourself. What are you going to do nice for yourself?

Okay time is up and on to the next step. Below are some small steps you can take to restore your faith and become the risk-taker again.

• Write down your accomplishments.
• Pick-up the phone (don’t make a call) and start reading your accomplishments outloud.
• Put music on and dance around the room.
• Take a small risk that you know will be successful.
• Stand tall and become that powerful person you are.

Remember thousands of people have been unemployed and found that perfect job. You will be one of them real soon.

Now It Is Your Turn!

Send a list of your accomplishments to the Love Yourself – It Matters! Community. Let’s celebrate together!

If you are stuck please let me or the community know and we will brainstorm ideas together. Remember you are not in this ALONE.


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