Sunday, October 4, 2009

Looking on the Brighter Side While Unemployed

“Look on the Bright Side

For every negative that consumes your happiness,
Affirm two positives that sustain you.

For every ‘should’ve’ you wish you’d done,
Acknowledge something you’re glad you did.

For every loss that altered your world,
Count from it something you have gained.

For every limit that has ever best you,
Consider your possibilities.”
Erick T. Moore

Do you ever stop, think past your situation of being unemployed and acknowledge the brighter side of your life?

I know what you are thinking, “There is no bright side in my life only hardship.”

Let’s take time and explore what is really going on in your life by completing the exercise in Erick Moore’s quote.

Sample Exercise:
Negative that consumers my happiness:
After working 20 years for the local school system as an office manager I was laid-off.
Two positives that sustain me:
1.Being fugal with money and saving for a rainy day I am financially comfortable.
2.My family and friends are very supportive. They are always reaching out to me to make sure I am not alone.

Should have done:
When the rumors started surfacing I should’ve started looking for another job instead of burying my head in the sand.
Something I am glad I had done:
Acted like a lady and was very gracious when my boss with tears in her eyes told me my position was being eliminated due to budget constraints. Now she is my biggest allied in helping me find another job.

Loss that altered my world:
Before I had some place to go everyday and interact with other people. Now all I do is stay home and look for a job.
Something I have gained:
An opportunity to find a new job that is exciting and self-fulfilling.

Limiting beliefs:
I will never find another job.
Your possibilities:
The world is my oyster and I have an opportunity to apply for all types of positions.

Remember as Erick Moore says:
“You can’t always change the way things are,
But you can change the way you wish to see them.
Never stop looking
For the brighter side and beyond.”

Now It is Your Turn!
Take out a piece of paper and write your answers to the questions in the above exercise. What have you discovered? Just for Today, keep reading over and over again the enjoyable experiences happening in your life?

Please share your thoughts with the Love Yourself – It Matters community. I am looking forward to hearing from you.



Mark said...

You have done an excellent job of demonstrating how one can shift perspective.

Helen Burton said...

Hi Mark:

Thanks. As you know attitude is everything.
