Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spcial Message for the Unemployed

Difficult Times Don’t Last Forever

Sometimes, the problems you must face
are more than you wish to cope with,
and tomorrow doesn’t seem to offer any solutions.

You may ask yourself ‘Why me?’
but the answer is sometimes unclear.
You may even tend to feel that life hasn’t
been just or fair to burden you with such obstacles.

The roads any of us choose to follow
are never free of bumps or curves,
but eventually the turns
lead to a smoother path ahead.

Believe in yourself and your dreams.
You will soon realize that the future
holds may promises for you.

Remember…difficult times don’t last forever.”

Geri Danks

Geri Danks’ poem says it all…Life is a journey which leads us through bumps and curves. We experience sadness, anxiety, denial, happiness or contentment throughout the day.

The most important thing to remember is that we are the same person experiencing life in a different way. When scary feelings pop-up all we can do is say out loud, “I am really scared and know deep down in my heart I will find that perfect new job.”

Reassuring ourselves we are going to find that job and difficult times don’t last forever makes the journey easier.

Take a break today and enjoy yourself. There is always tomorrow.

Would love to hear from you and what your journey is like. Working together we will give each other support and ideas on how to find that perfect job.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


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