Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Actions for the Unemployed

“Sometimes things which at the moment may be
perceived as obstacles – and actually be obstacles,
difficulties, or drawbacks – can in the long run result
in some good end which would have occurred
if it had not been for the obstacle."

Steve Allen

Reading this quote you might think to yourself how losing my job can be a good thing? I cannot find another job, working hard to keep my spirits up, and the worst part having no place to go.

What is a person do?

Yes, you might feel sorry for yourself and it is your right as a human being to have these feelings. You had a traumatic experience and need time to recover. This is a difficult time for you and everyone meaning well gives you advice which they feel you should follow right away.

As they say time heals all and with taking steps to adjust to your new life you will create a new normal. Prior to losing your job your normal was to spend at least 8 hours a day at work. Now you spend those same 8 hours worrying about your new lifestyle.

I have been working with Mary, a client who just 10 months ago had a job and was worrying about not being able to lose weight. Two months later she learned that the division she was working for had plans to layoff 70 people. Not feeling threatened she went to work every day and as time went on learned she was one of the 70 being targeted.

Her first response, how could this happen to me, I am a great worker and received excellent reviews. They probably made a mistake, will call me back into the office to let me know how sorry they were for making a mistake and they want me to stay. This scenario never happened.

We continued working together and changed our focus. The first object was for Mary to adjust to her new normal. Create a plan that would make her feel safe again and research ways to start the job search.

During this period, Mary implemented the following steps:
• Every morning upon rising she would follow her normal routine of getting dressed and making sure the children were at the bus stop on time. This sense of routine gave Mary and her children a sense of comfort that nothing was wrong.
• Followed her exercise program. Exercising gave her strength to go on and a feeling she was taking care of herself.
• Researched different job opportunities. This action gave Mary the feeling she was doing something in finding a new job.
• Attended networking events for jobseekers. Meeting other people in the same situation gave Mary the feeling she was not alone. They supported each other with resume writing, interview role playing and keeping each other optimistic.
• Preparing dinner for the family every evening and spending time with her children and husband. Created a feeling for everyone that life was continuing and they did not have to worry about what was going to happen.

Taking these initial steps on a daily basis gave Mary the courage and strength to continue her job search. She continually stepped out of her comfort zone, learned new things about herself and within time Mary was offered two different jobs which would be considered a promotion from her previous job.

So as Steve Allen quote states, sometime obstacles can in the long run result in a opportunity which would never have occurred if you did not experience the lose.

If you are among the unemployed and need support please let us know by leaving a response in the comment box. Remember the Love Yourself – It Matters Community is to here to empower you during your journey.

Many unemployed people are reading this blog and by sharing tools you have found can help others. Together we can make this journey a little easier and within time everyone will be working.

If you know of anyone who is traveling the unemployed journey please tell them about the Love Yourself - It Matters Blog. Together let's help make their life a little easier.



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