Monday, June 23, 2008

Changing Your Thoughts in an Instant

Are you constantly defending yourself against your thoughts? Most of us have these types of conversations with ourselves on a daily basis. This is often called stress!

We are having a good time and then suddenly a thought pops in our head that things are not working out. Our world changes in an instant.

Yesterday I spent the day with a friend, laughing and enjoying myself. On the way home I started thinking, “My life is horrible because my husband Bob is gone.” From that moment on, I kept thinking how hard my life was instead of how much fun I had during the day.

After feeling sorry for myself for a few hours, made a decision that I had the power to change my attitude. Following are the steps I took to take care of myself:

• Made myself a cup of tea.
• Asked the Universe to grant me peace in allowing myself to be.
• Wrote in my “Happiness Journal” about the day I spent with my friend.
• Called a friend and made plans to spend a day at the beach.
• Watched the Pre-Trial Olympics
• Went to bed at a reasonable hour.
• Exercised in morning.

What a beautiful gift we receive each day, the power to take care of ourselves. Now is your turn to change your thoughts in an instant. What are you going to do nice for yourself today? Helen


Anonymous said...

I am going to alow myself to take the much needed rest and be good to my body.Mindi

Helen Burton said...

Hi Mindi

Enjoy your mini-vacation. Mom

Mark said...

Awareness is key, once we are aware that we can make the changes to our thoughts that bring us back on course. Great post!

Helen Burton said...

Hi Mark:

Thanks Helen

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your inspiring thoughts on how you took charge of negative thoughts that took a hold over you. It is truly the mindful, kind Small steps pieced together such as you spoke about that create the big changes and can release behavior that isn't a friend to your heart and health.
Rochelle Blank, CHHC, AADP -
A Natural Choice.

Helen Burton said...

Hi Rochelle:

Thank you for visiting the Love Yourself - It Matters! Blog. Yes, we all have a choice. Helen