Monday, June 30, 2008

Pet Stories

Do you have a pet? I have two cats and their names are Alfie, a black cat with a white patch on his stomach, and Alice, who is white and grey with a pink nose. They have different personalities. Alfie is very loving and Alice considers herself a princess.

Alfie and Alice are teaching me how to love and accept love unconditionally. It has always been easier for me to give and hard to receive. I would love to give someone a gift and watch them get excited when they opened the present. On the other hand, when someone gave me a present I felt embarrassed.

One day Alice was sitting on my desk as I was writing my blog and just looking at me with love in her eyes (my interpretation). I realized how uncomfortable I felt having her stare at me. What I wanted to do was pet her and stop feeling uncomfortable. Instead I made myself sit there and enjoy the moment.

I was out to dinner with a few friends and I was telling them how uncomfortable I felt when Alice was staring at me with love in her eyes. Others at the table started talking about their pets and how special they are in their lives. Some of the stories are as follows:

• Jay was taking a hike in the park with his dog. Suddenly he tripped over a tree branch and fell. His dog, Spike, laid down next to him and started to bark until someone came running to see what was happening. The man checked to see if Jay was alright and called 911. Jay had broken his ankle and now is perfectly fine. Spike is Jay’s hero.

• Chris told us how her cat, Sadie, always sits on the floor next to her while she is working on the computer. Chris is a technical writer and sometimes experiences writers block. Sadie being there gives her moral support to continue working.

When did you experience unconditional love from your pet? Sharing your stories now may help brighten someone's day and at the same time put a smile on your face. I am looking forward to reading the stories. Helen

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