Thursday, October 29, 2009

Unemployed Winners

“Thinking as a
One-Hundred-Percent-of the-Time

Thinking like a winner
means not always
having to defeat someone else.
It means being able
to grow from a situation in which
you fail to reach your goal.
It involves not demanding
perfection from yourself
in every single thing you do, but,
instead, thinking of yourself as perfect
and thus capable of growing.
It means reminding yourself that
perfection doesn’t mean
staying the same;
it means being able to allow yourself to grow.
Thinking as a winner means
not coming down on yourself;
it means refusing to allow
self-repudiating thoughts into your head.
It involves pushing out the inclination
to evaluate yourself in comparison with others,
and giving yourself permission
to be the unique person you are."

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Today is a new day and let’s practice being a winner while on the unemployed journey.

Remember…you are a winner just the way you are with all your knocks and bruises.

Life takes us on different paths. Some times we are happy, other times we are sad and other times we feel frustrated. You are the same person you have always been even though your feelings are changing constantly.

It is our job to constantly remind ourselves we are winners. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “We have to feel good about ourselves, learn from our situations and give yourself permission to be the unique person you are.

One small step you can take when you are feeling sad or frustrated about your situation STOP and take a deep breath. Then say out loud, “I am the same person I have always been and am a winner.”

Even though thinking the words are false by repeating them often in time you will start believing they are true.

Let’s make Thursday, Feeling Like a Winner Day.

Remember...Monday was Smile Day. What experiences did you have while smiling and having eye contact with different people you met?

Tuesday was Dance Day. Your job was to spend time dancing today and having fun.

Wednesday is a day for Miracle Awareness. During the day look for miracles, write them down and repeat them out loud.

Thursday is Feeling Like a Winner Day. Constantly remind yourself during the day, you are a winner and repeat the affirmation, “I am the same person I have always been and am a winner.”

Let’s make a promise to each other we will take time each day to enjoy our day playing our little game. Smiling on Monday, dancing on Tuesday, looking for miracles on Wednesday and acting like a winner on Thursday.

I am looking forward to hearing from you about the new opportunities that are surfacing while playing the role of a winner.


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