Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday is Acknowledging Our Strengths Day for the Unemployed

“When one door closes
another door opens;
but we so often look
so long and so regretfully
upon the closed door;
that we do not see
the ones which open for us.”

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell’s quote has been around a long time and very familiar to us all. On the unemployment journey we have a tendency to focus on the closed doors instead of the doors that are opening for us.

We are all in this together and learning different behaviors constantly.

Today is Friday, the end of the week. Think back about a Friday when you were working and how excited you were the week was over. There is no difference today, you worked all week researching job options, attending interviews and been on an emotional roller-coaster.

It is time to take a break and regain your emotional strength.

Some small steps you can take to replenish your positive energy:
• Put that smile on your face even though it may hurt. Wearing a smile tricks your mind into thinking you are happy. Within a matter of minutes your attitude changes.
• Call yourself on the phone and list all your strengths. Example: Great personality, very intelligent, fantastic communication skills, etc. Saying your strengths out loud makes them seem real.
• Leave a comment on the Love Yourself – It Matters Blog, telling us about your strengths. We are a family of unemployed folks who are supporting each other with new ideas and strategies in finding that new job.

Let’s make Friday, Acknowledging Our Strengths Day.

Our little game is teaching us how to take one positive action step and practice it for a day.

Remember...Monday is Smile Day. Smiling when meeting people gives you an inner-strength.

Tuesday is Dance Day. Dancing provides energy, exercise and having fun at the sametime.

Wednesday is Miracle Awareness Day. Reminding yourself about the miracles occurring during your day provides security in your life.

Thursday is Feeling Like a Winner Day. Acting like a winner gives you the courage to take risks and have faith things are working out.

Friday is Acknowledging your Strengths Day. Realizing you have many strengths empowers you to hold your head up high and feel good about yourself.

Let’s continue promising each other we will take time each day to enjoy the day by playing our little game. Smiling on Monday, dancing on Tuesday, looking for miracles on Wednesday, acting like a winner on Thursday and acknowledging our strengths on Friday.

I can’t wait to hear all about your strengths.


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