Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Peaceful Plan for the Unemployed

Hey, today is a new day and the sun is shinning. Are you wondering, “So what, I don’t have a job and could care less about the sun shinning.”

Welcome to the world of the unemployed.

When we feel scared and have no idea of what is going to happen our thoughts take over and rule our unhappy lives. The good part is we are in control of taking care of ourselves.

You can give yourself a gift today and create a plan that will create peace in your life. No need to panic we can make the plan simple and easy to follow.

Following are questions that can help you create your special plan:
1. What made you happy yesterday?
2. Who can you call and have a good laugh with?
3. Where can you go to relax?
4. When is the most difficult time of your day?
5. How can you help a family member?

After answering the above questions you are ready to create your plan. Below is an example of a Peaceful Plan created from answering the above questions.

Peaceful Plan
Morning is my most difficult time of day so I will get dressed, go out for a cup of coffee and smile at another person in the coffee shop.

When feeling very stressed, call Sherri and have a good laugh.

Prepare dinner for my family before my husband gets home.

I love sitting on my back porch, having a cup of tea after dinner with my husband and just relaxing. It is very important that you both have an unwritten rule not to discuss anything stressful.

What steps does your Peaceful Plan include? Please let the Love Yourself – It Matters know about your plan and what benefits it is providing. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Remember when one door closes, it is hell waiting in the hallway so open a shade and look for the opportunities.


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