Thursday, August 6, 2009

Positive Changes While on the Unemployed Journey

Every small positive change
we make in ourselves
repays us in confidence
in the future.”

Alice Walker

Reading this quote you might think to yourself, “Why do I constantly have to make small positive changes while on the unemployed journey instead of just coast through life.”

If anyone comes up with the answer please let us all know and we will jump on board.

We are constantly making changes in our life as opportunities appear. Two years ago, did you think you would be unemployed and looking for a new job? I know this opportunity was not a welcomed gift.

Let’s turn things around and brainstorm for a few minutes what positive outcomes have been created.

• No longer in a job that was not fulfilling. Working in a particular job for years sometimes your creative juices stop flowing and things become mundane.
• Future opportunity to learn new skills. A new position will include different skills which will ensure you are learning and creative again.
• Builds relationships. During the unemployment journey you learned who is supportive, met new friends and associates.
• Provided a foundation for growth. You are becoming a strong person who is making decisions and trying new techniques during this difficult period. Someday you will look back and wonder how you have made it through this time in your life.

We could go on and on listing the positive outcomes we will experience or have experienced. The most important thing to remember is that you are creating positive changes in your life which will repay you with self-confidence.

Now it is your turn to share with the Love Yourself – It Matters Community what positive changes you made that impacted your life.

Until Tomorrow



Steph said...

3 or 4 years ago, I quit my job. The work was challenging but the passion wasn't there. During my time of unemployment I gave myself the permission to explore and try new things. Eventually, things started to fall into place as I followed my heart to the things that were important to me.

Now, looking back, I appreciate the time I had without a job. There were certainly bouts of fear and uncertainty but it was great.

Embrace your freedom and follow your heart. I like to believe that the universe conspires to help those who create good intentions.

Good luck.

Helen Burton said...

Hi Steph:

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Looking back we always realize things work out for the best. Helen