Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Step At Time

“The elevator to success is out of order.
You’ll have to use the stairs…
one step at a time.”

Joe Girard

Are you someone who thinks, “Why aren’t I more successful at losing weight, building my business or finding a perfect partner?” WELCOME TO THE HUMAN RACE!!

Most of us want things to happen instantly and when it doesn’t our minds start thinking what is wrong with me or it will never happen.

Just a thought, maybe focus on the small steps we are taking to reach our goal instead of thinking everything is so hard.

Sheila was struggling with her weight and felt defeated most of the time. Every time she got on the scale the number either got larger or stayed the same.

What was a woman to do?

Sheila could continually focus on the fact of not losing weight or think about what she was learning in the weight control process.

I know it is sometimes hard to change our mindset. With a little practice we can slowly start thinking in a different way.

Sheila’s mindset changing process:
• Listed daily some of the small steps she was taking to reach her goal.
o A big breakfast helped her feel satisfied during the morning. She no longer focused on being hungry and was able to concentrate on her job.
o Exercised in the morning helped increase her energy. The feeling of being tired all the time disappeared.

• Held a rock in her hand every time she wanted to eat and told herself, “I am beautiful and the food is not going to help me feel better.” This little exercise helped Sheila walk away from the food many a time.

Practicing these two small steps helped Sheila feel good about herself and in time the weight started to disappear.

Let’s keep the Out of Order sign on the elevator and continue to use one step at a time. It is a blessing in disguise.

Please share your thoughts about keeping the elevator Out of Order and using one step at a time to reach your goals.


1 comment:

Kate said...

Yes. This is very true. The big challenges can feel overwhelming. When I think about some of the things I've achieved that took a long time, I know I wouldn't have even started had I realised how long it would take me.
But starting with half an hour's worth (20 cobblestones) and pegging away - I have now nearly finished the whole patio! It looks great!
Nest step is to get the bearers up and level. Then put together my little kitset studio!