Saturday, March 21, 2009

Positive Thinking Includes Action

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be.
If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing,
it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it.
On the contrary, if I shall have the belief that I can do it,
I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it,
even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

Mahatma Gandhi

After reading the above quote a lot of ideas popped into my head. I have often heard it said, “Your thinking creates your outcome.” Therefore, if you live by this golden rule, think positive and things will always turn out okay.

Now let’s become real and with all our positive thinking circumstances happen in our lives that cause hardships. For instance, you were at a conference all weekend and came home to find a flood in your basement. With all the positive thinking the water would not disappear in the basement.

However, if you took steps to fix the leak, clean up the water and basement you are on your way of solving the problem. What this situation is demonstrating you have to think positive and take action at the same time.

Karen, a busy executive with a large company felt that everything was working in her life except the fact she could not stop binging at night. She tried everything from attending different diet support groups, therapy, making herself think positive thoughts and getting into bed at 6:00pm. Nothing worked!

She felt what is wrong with me? I have a great job, beautiful family and loving husband. Still I can’t stop stuffing food into my mouth at night.

What was she to do?

Karen met me one day at a networking meeting and after our brief discussing we started working together. During our first session Karen realized thinking positive thoughts alone would not change the circumstances. She had to start taking action to get a different result.

We continued working together, creating a tailored action plan through trial and error, that worked for her. Within a short period of time Karen saw amazing results and the binging at night finally stopped.

What Karen did differently?
• Allowed herself to have a small snack before going to bed at night. She looked forward to the snack and did not feel deprived.
• Spent an hour each night playing games and laughing with her husband and children. Enjoying this time with her family, Karen did not think of food.
• Keeping a journal tracking her progress and actions for challenging situations. The journal helped Karen see in black and white what worked and what didn’t.
• Drinking a cup of tea and eating a piece of fruit at 3:00pm everyday. Taking the time to eat a snack satisfied Karen’s hunger and prevented her from grabbing food when she walked into the house.
• Taking time for herself each day. Treating herself special enhanced her self-confidence and made Karen feel special.

Now It Is Your Turn
Please share with the Love Yourself – It Matters Community how positive thinking and small action steps have enhanced your life. We are all in this together and by sharing our experiences helps us all to live a more empowering and happy lifestyle.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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Anonymous said...

-that's a good article...

visit my blog:

Helen Burton said...

Hi Madjon:

Thank you for visiting the Love Yourself - It Matters! Blog.

I visited your blog and what an empowering story. Wish you the best of luck on your life's journey. Helen